Tuesday, February 12, 2013



PARAMETER - a boundary


  1. The parameter around the castle, saved it from being attacked.
  2. To put up a parameter around the house, like fencing, was going to cost around three thousand dollars!
  3. We had to set a strict parameter, from our annoying neighbors. 

  1. IDRE
  2. Estimating Parameters
     Having to set up a good parameter around your camp is always a smart idea! It keeps the wild out, and the humane inside. Bears and wild coyotes like to attack camps to get food, and sometimes its not the bag of lays they end up with either. So the must of having a camp are 1. a steady fire 2. shelter and 3. a parameter

Visual Representations:



IMPEACH - to bring a formal charge against


  1. The president was very scared that the people were going to try to impeach him after his decision on the gun laws.
  2. The boy scout leader was impeached after doing drugs in the woods.
  3. During the impeachment of the president, the vice president took over.

      During many presidential terms, there are always talks of impeachment.  Especially during President Obama, and there will also be many more to follow. Impeachment is to basically take down or over throw a high authority. 

Visual Representation:



CIRCUMNAVIGATE - to go around


  1. The soldiers had to circumnavigate the area to make sure no one was around. 
  2. I was circumnavigating the house when I got frightened by the large rattlesnake.
  3. I need to circumnavigate towards the back door because our front yard was being worked on.

  1. Cuncard Journey
  2. the Guardian 

      A lot of journeys consist of circumnavigating an area or a place. Christopher Columbus did it way back in the day. It was a very tremendous journey that consisted of many days and nights. In that fact it took a couple years for him to get back to England. Apparently he was the one that discovered the United States, but it was definitely the Native Americans. 

Visual Representations: 



CHROMOSOME - DNA strand carrying genetic data


  1. The difference between a man and woman, is the type of chromosome
  2. My dear friend Gucci Mane has a chromosome disorder, and is in the hospital on a regular basis.
  3. There are two types of chromosomes, X and Y.


  1. Chromosome Disorder
  2. Chromosome Fact Sheet

      A chromosome is a DNA strand that carries all the genetic data from you parents.  It could be your hair color, eye color, height, weight, and even down to you having hair on your knuckles or not.  There are some people who get Chromosomal Disorder which can lead to down syndrome, which affects 1 in every 700 kids.  This is a severe disorder and can not be cured.

Visual Representations:



BELIE -  to show to be false

  1. I had to belie the fact the storm was coming so everyone would believe me.
  2. Belies what was around the corner. 
  3. While jogging I heard a noise behind me, I had to look and belie the fact there was nothing there.

  1. Webster
  2. Real-Life




ANTEBELLUM - Belonging to a period before the U.S. Civil War.

  1. We visited the antebellum slave household on our school field trip.
  2. Before the antebellum, the U.S. was divided between two parts, "the North and the South."
  3. Walking through the forest of Williamsburgh, we came across an antebellum log home. 


        The term antebellum is actually an era, the era is before the U.S. Civil war, a war in fact tore our country into 2 sides. The sides were the "North", and the "South". Also know as the "Union" and the "Confederacy". You might hear the term antebellum used for houses, items, or even being used to call people who lived during that time period.

Visual Representations: